Friday, June 22, 2012

New Icon


Thursday, June 21, 2012

Why Tag?

Hashtags are words or phrases prefixed with the symbol # a form of metadata tag. Used in messages on microblogging social networking services such as Twitter. You can use hash tags to revitalize old photos that didn't get the attention they deserved or comment on other photo with your choice of tag. Using the top Instagram Tags insures that your photo will be view-able by many who subscribe or monitor those tags. Just paste key words with the hashtag (#) prefixed in the comment section of your photo.

Add Web App to your iOS device Home Screen

1. Browse to our website with your mobile device.

2. Hit the action icon from on safari.

3. Select "Add to Home Screen"

4. Hit the "Add" button on the top right of your screen

Enjoy full screen experience as if it were a native iOS App.

Stay tuned for the official iOS app.

Social Networking

There are many Soical Outlets these days; Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram, Youtube, Google+. We are working to cross-post to all major networking sites from this blog.

Stay tuned...

Mobile Web App

The Web App will be available to use via mobile device. Once the functionality is finalized we will be porting the code to iOS App. Using PhoneGap framework this should be fairly strait forward. I will be posting a guide, on how to add our Web App to your iOS device from our mobile site, shortly.

In the Works...

InsaTags WebApp is for those who would like to organized and manage hash tags from instagram. This WebApp also can be used for other social networks as long as it is using hashtags for tagging content. Twitter, Tubmlr, Pintrest all use # tag to metadata the content.

App Icon Concepts

Working on different concepts of the App Icon. To embody organization and management as well as clean modern style look and feel. The following concepts are currently in the works, a folder with hashtag symbol with a instagram color scheme tab, a binder with instagram color scheme as the tabs and a hashtag symbol within, a 3d cube with depiction of social networking logos on each face of the cube, a luggage tag with the instagram color scheem and a hashtag symbol within.